Sunday, June 16, 2024

I'm 47

It's been a crazy busy few weeks and I haven't really had the time to reflect on my latest birthday.  I like being busy.

Work, football, band...

Work is... well, it's still a new role and figuring it out.

Football - we're continuing to grow and have more opportunities for kids so it really means keeping up and not a lot of down time (I can't complain, parents and coaches are committing way more time to it than I am, so I can't let them down).

Band - so many graduations, and then readying for competition, on top of a parade season.

It's a lot going on.

All the while I've turned 47.  What does that mean.  I'm that inch closer to retirement I guess, the far off horizon seems much more measurable.

But, as I've done on these posts for birthdays, I want to focus on the number.  What is 47

It's not even, and not a divisible by 4 which I like... it's close.  

But, it's prime.  That's neat.  Gives you the 'prime year' feel.  Maybe this is it.

It's the atomic number of silver.  Silver... 2nd place.  That's not bad (tho' some will tell you 2nd place is 1st place loser).

Some also say that 47 is '42' adjusted for inflation, and you know how much I like 42

In the game Hitman, the player is 'Agent 47'

Also interestingly enough, 47 was once touted as the 'quintessential random number'.  Asked to pick a random number 1-100 and it comes up pretty often; and it was an inside joke on Star Trek that they tried to work the number into every episode.  Maybe I should dedicate separate articles to every instance.

Well, back to your standard programming!  Time to go celebrate them dads.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

October 3 - Technical Drumming

It's October 3rd and well, according to a website in the USA it's "National Techies Day".

Now, a techie... is that someone who works specifically in tech?  Or is just any tech enthusiast?  I think I fall into the latter category.

It's also the birthday of one of the ... well I'll call techie drummer.  Tommy Lee.

Growing up as a Crue fan, just loved the driving beat of the band and if you'd seen them in concert, Tommy really did some 'funky stuff'.  Putting himself in a cage and spinning it, or rotating the drums etc... that's some techie stuff right there.

This year, Tommy turns 61.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

September 19 - They love the C

 Oh that old joke... what's a pirate's favourite letter?  

You'd think it'd be the 'R'... for that Robert Louis Stevenson'esque style of speech that we now associate with pirates 'arr!' (which, prior to that, didn't seem to exist)


Pirates... they really love the C

Get it?


Well, it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Monday, March 6, 2023

March 6 - periodic new York isn't New York

Before this date in 1834 the place we now call Toronto (or trawna... t-dot...) used to be called York, Upper Canada.  But the municipality incorporated as the new name of Toronto.


In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev presents to the Russian Chemical Society his new method of displaying the elements in a 'table' format.

Monday, August 22, 2022

August 22 - A Caddy for you

 It was on this day in 1902 that one of the breakaways from the Henry Ford Company created the Cadillac Automobile Company.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

July 26 - a day for a universal language that no one knows

 Yup, in 1885 on this day, the book on Esperanto was published.  This would(n't)-be language was hopeful to be a language the whole world spoke.

Never took off tho'.

Monday, July 25, 2022

July 25 - Electric Judas

 It was on this day that Bob Dylan, famed folk singer, got booed on stage at the Newport Folk Festival when he put down his acoustic guitar for his electric.

JUDAS they shouted.