Saturday, April 24, 2010

Getting caught up

So a lot of egg on my face, as I did promise to try to post 2 per week, and here we are almost 3 weeks later without a post.
I'm going to chalk it up to the attestment of how busy/productive I've been.

What have I been doing?

Dean's started his swimming lessons.  That's been fun.  He's had 2 lessons.  The first one he was uncontrollably excited.  I got to sit back and watch him and Mandy go through the lesson.  The next week it was my turn.  Dean enjoys it a lot.  But if it were a regular class he'd be the special needs student.  I say that because there's 2 others in his class - one is older, and should be in a higher class, but I guess there's no room, so he stays in this and does what we do, just more advanced.  The other, his sister, has had to have been taking lessons for a while, tho' she looks younger than Dean, not only is she more talkative, in 2 languages, but expertly does all the tasks.  *sigh* who woulda thought that MY kid would be the slow on in the class?

Mandy just came back last night from a shag and has won an electric guitar, shirts, golf balls, a ton of grocery items, mini cooler, etc... can "shag prize winner" become a source of income?

What else?  I've been eye-ing up the job board recently in case I decide not to return next season.  Hasn't been a good week for me lately.  work's been awesome, it's some other factors I have to think about.

Speaking of work - had some good school experiences lately:
 - Met with the HR lady and discussed my application/status and how to improve.
 - got to go in early one day and get some practice time in with the new smart boards.  I was a little intimidated - however all it is is just powerpoint... easy peasy
 - with my work got to sit in on an SSL meeting and learn more about board roles etc... it should be able to help me find the right places to apply and learn more of the appropriate lingo.. i hope.
 - supplied for period 5 all week this week - much to the chagrin of a certain employer.  I had a great week and really showed me I missed teaching.  It's a real debate if I throw myself back to the supply list next year and a hard go of it.  I got to teach HTML and it was so much fun.
 - one of the days this week the school was doing a lock down training, kinda unsettling to get to the school, all the doors locked and then a police officer ask me what I'm doing there.  A little misunderstanding, but a good chance to talk to them that supply teachers need training too!
A kick in the ego-nuts was with the guy that I was waiting outside with had been on the supply list just over a year and had gotten onto the pool list - and he showed up to teach in like a leisure short set... *sigh*

Band's going well - looks like that Georgia trip might be a go.  The parade season is nearly full.  Can't wait for summer.

Rob's back in town -- I'll let him get reacquainted with family life then go help him where I can on the house.

My event at work is taking shape, just can't wait for it to be over tho'... so much small piddly work to pull it off.

Niagara this weekend will be a nice break from the hullabloo back home.

Mom's recovering nicely from her surgery.  She had arthroscopic lacroscopy?  She got her knee scraped out.

What else... you've seen the pictures from Dean's photo-shoot?

Still eagerly waiting the 2.1 update for my android phone... and 3g from rogers in the area.  I hope that the rumour that I heard that they want to eventually turn rogers in thunder bay to tbaytel...

I guess that's about it for now.  I'll post more as I remember.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Through their eyes

Thanks to Rain I had a brilliant idea (a stolen idea, but an idea none-the-less).  Let Dean take pictures!

When we got to the family dinner he was immediately a little shy with all the people, so to help out I decided to try out the photo thing.

It went great!  He a lot of fun taking pictures, he overcame some of his shyness and we got some great shots to share.

I’ll upload some later (one more family function to go to tomorrow and I want to let him take some more shots then), in the mean time enjoy these 2!!

IMG_8831       IMG_8873


So it’s Easter Sunday and you get to pondering some of the important things now and again.

No, I’m not about to get out my soapbox and preaching or anything, but it is funny how a religious holiday gets ‘polluted’ with things like chocolate and wrapped items.  Just something for everybody to think about…

…now for the big leap.

I was pondering also about watching Matthew Broderick.  Mainly because I had just watched “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”.  What a great movie!  Always liked it.  But the funny thing that comes with age is the ability to nostalgize everything we used to watch.

It’s like watching an old episode of Knight Rider.  I used ot LOVE that show.  But watch an episode now and it makes you question whether you had suffered from a brain injury when you were younger.

But not with Ferris.  It is still a great gem.  But you learn to appreciate other parts of it.  Sure, as an educator I can’t say I condone this movie’s actions, but the theory is there.  When I was younger I loved all the gimmicks and stuff, but now I’m loving the genius of John Hughes and the ‘in betweens’.  All the small script set up lines that are in the movie that when I was younger you sorta glazed over to get to the hilarious parts.

I enjoy watching stuff and wondering “jeez, I betcha Matthew is regretting ever doing that scene” (i.e. the shower scene with the mohawk).  I also like noticing all the big names (or future big names) in the movie (Alan Ruck, Charlie Sheen, Ben Stein, Kristy Swanson), as well as the people that were big, but you really haven’t seen much from them (Jeffrey Jones, Edie McClurg [probably playing similar secretary roles somewhere], Louie Anderson??).

Good times.  we all wanted to be Ferris