Monday, September 26, 2011

Sick Weekend [86/107]

So, last week and the one prior have been pretty hectic.  Like an ungodly amount.  Hopefully as the major events are out of the way it can slow down to a normal pace now.

The day after the Prosperity Northwest event I had gone to a meeting and I could feel my body losing a battle.  I had been staving off this cold for some time and now was its time for revenge.  Oi.

I went home Thursday afternoon around 1... slept until almost 6.  Went to pipes for about an hour [was a real shame turning back in those Lawries] and then came home and slept until the next day.

Friday I woke up around 11am.  Puttered for an hour or so, then went back to sleep.  Woke up at 3, up for a few hours and then back into bed.

I followed this pattern for some time.  I was really out of it.  Not flu like, just cold.  I get these wicked sinus blockages and then that makes me grind my teeth and stuff so my temples get sore and then I get major headaches.  So it was just hard to concentrate on anything.

My turn of luck was on Saturday when I got to play with the new Gingerbread features on my phone.  Something cool.

Oh, and playing with Dean.  It's always fun to play with him - despite how he says I'm the 'bad dad' and I'm "bossy" and "throw [him] on the bed".  But we had a great time.  Especially Sunday.  Just some precious lines as always.

Back at work today... biked and man it's getting cold.  Not sure if that really helps or not.  Gotta start getting some mitts for the morning [and it gets depressing watching my percentage slowly slip downwards].  I'm still a little 'overwhelmed' at the office here, but I'm doing ok, taking things in bite size portions.  Mainly trying to go through the backlog of emails etc... I have so MANY different things to do at the office that it's easy to get lost in it all.  With a head cold lingering it's not exactly making things easier.  One bit at a time.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Freaky ride yesterday [85/104]

So, I know I've had one accident this past year on my bike.  But yesterday I experienced another.  No, I didn't have an accident, but it felt like it.

I was biking a different route as I had to stop by the in-laws.  And on the way back along James [going South, on the East side] I passed another biker.  I moved onto the grass, and he moved closer to the house's side of the pavement.

After we had passed I heard some noise (see, my headphones don't block out sound) and I looked back and he had gone into the bushes just a bit and had fallen over.

Now I knew I didn't do anything to cause that, he clearly did it after we had passed, and I did give him ample room.  But somebody falling is nasty, so I stopped and ran over to him.  Hey, I am first-aid certified you know.

He assured me he was fine; but it was still spooky as he was just laying there for the less than minute it took me to stop and run over.

I couldn't tell if he was shaken or really hurt, but his demeanour was just odd.  He could have been just embarassed, or pissed off at me... and that part of me wanted to say "hey, this wasn't my fault you know".  But I wanted to ensure he was alright.  I offered like 5x to call an ambulance and asked if he was okay.

Just weird.

On other fronts... not much new.  Been uber stressful at work lately with newsletters and deadlines and events and shows...

Band did really well at the Miles with the Giant.  I was extremely proud of Mandy going in the 10K walk... more than I did.  The band also sounded awesome at the Scottish Rite.

The Band calendar is coming along, Jarron's working hard to put it together and get some funky shots.  Will look amazing I bet.

Can't think of much else... knew I had to write today, as I hadn't all last week.  That bugs me... but it's a sign of how busy I've been [tell my jaw to relax somebody, it's giving me headaches].

Monday, September 12, 2011

Eerie sky [83/99]

Almost at the 100 mark!
I biked today, and nearly shouldn't have. Crazy sky and looming storm prompted me to leave a little early today.
Wasn't so bad. But the storm later will be a doozy.
Worst part about biking home was all the little bits of sand and dirt floating around, and without sunglasses makes for a difficult ride.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Another week in the books [82/98]

So this week started off cold.  Man it was cold. Not freezing, but frigid.  It was 4°C when I biked to work - and that was a bit hard on the hands.  Luckily it would warm up throughout the day and I'd be fine going home.

Let's recount what happened this week:

Work?  Not much - busy as all can be with the Newsletters combining into one big massive headache [which culminated in me leaving early Thursday].  We announced the NOVAs.  Not much else, at least nothing that I should really say.

Home? We steam cleaned... that's not fun.  Means having to move EVERYTHING and if you know me, I'm nothing but wires and connectivity... plus my little bit of OCD gets all in a flitter if I have to move things about.

Band? started back up this week with our Open House.  I was able to get on ShawTV and CBC Radio for an interview for it.  That was neat.  Plus the CJ came by for a photo shoot.  Things are a-movin'.

It's been a pretty hectic week, despite how I've written very little.  I guess that's a sign of the busy-ness.  I've even wrote less this week for the blog than I usually do [ blog that is].

Really starting to wonder how much longer I'll be able to keep up the biking -- tho' today was amazingly warm - just gets chilly in the morning.  Plus as my schedule heats up I'll have more out of office stuff to get to, so less opportunity to bike.  At least I got a high of 84% before the day I missed this week.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labouring on Labour Day [79/94]


When I left work on Friday I called Mandy for reassurance.

Most weekends have been eaten up by something, so when I couldn't remember what it was we were supposed to be doing. She couldn't remember anything either.

When I got home we had our answer. Our roofers would be there in the morning. I almost forgot why we were saving some money over the summer. I even forgot they were coming,they were supposed to come at the end of the summer; I guess I forgot that it was the end of the summer.

They were pretty good at the job. They got here at 10 and were done by like 4.  Definitely why I thought we should hire out for that work.

Now it's Labour Day, and I'm working myself.  Something like 10.5 chores dome today (see my list).

That's the true meaning of labour day right? Funny story, talking about about labour and the worker's movement -- fund out the origin of the term "luddite" (which the term came up in conversation with Robin over congratulating him over getting hired).

Apparently luddites were a form of saboteurs who opposed the advancement of the industrial revolution. They didn't just new technology them they would destroy it!

79/94 is 84%!!!