Yup, you can feel it in the air... especially when you bike in the morning. Yesterday it was about 5C... definitely chilly on the fingers.
Also as you see more and more yellow buses going around town in the morning. And my kid's on one of them now.
Well, not today, today he has off; but starting tomorrow he goes all day, every day.
The funniest part is that when he got home a) he fell asleep on the bus ride. We were waiting for him and the driver waves us over - but we misunderstood and were like... "it's okay, have him come over by himself"... but Mandy had to go and pick him up and carry him off the bus.
b) ask him what happened and he'll say "nothing". Shades of things to come I imagine. Which is to be expected with a kid like Dean. He's not a social butterfly, at first. He takes a while to come out of his shell, even with us.
I asked him what'd he do after the bus ride in the morning "went to JK". But where'd you put your coat "on the coat rack", where'd you go after the coat rack "TO JK", what'd you do after you were in the room "WE HAD LUNCH", what happened after lunch "I WENT HOME". No wrong answers there.
Oh boy, this is going to be a fun 14 years of school.