Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Teeball & Gonna miss ya Tom [26/41]

So, after a few weeks of crazy amounts of rain and flooding, they've finally reopened the parks for our teeball games with the kids.
I was nervous and at the same time super excited to do this coaching thing.
I did my homework today to be ready:
It did not disappoint.  A bunch of wee kids running around with little gloves and hats and their jerseys.  Awesome.  I had no clue what I was doing, but I don't think they minded.
Funniest part was Dean's soccer coach, from Li'l Kicks, was there.  I wonder if she recognized us, or many of the drills that I stole from her regimen! :)

It was great to do it.  I don't know why I hesitated.  You couldn't pay me enough to make me stay at work and miss it.  Which is why it sucks that I have to miss this Thursday and next for pipeband performances.  But those will be the only (I'll even sacrifice being late for other band commitments).

After we finished teeball, we headed over to Waverly for the iHelp program, where they were offering tech advice to those that want to use their mobile devices.  As the 'android guy' I was asked to help out where I could.  And there were lots of Apple products about... and it was not only great to offer help and give some insight, but really solidified my choice of a mobile OS (you can really see the limitation of the iOS platform when trying to explain to them things they should do, only to find they couldn't do it).

On the way home it was time for the post game ice cream cone and then we were at home.  And man I'm tired.

Only to turn my phone on and see that Tom (the other writer on the AiC blog) has decided to step down from the lead position.  He's got a new month old son, and is packing up to move the family to a new home, so he's got a lot on his plate.  it's a bummer, but something I can all too easily understand.  I'll miss your writing Tom, and not just because it means more for me, but you were a good writer with a lot of enthusiasm for what we do.

It's funny how I've run into more than a few people who start to get into this sort of thing.  This period of our lives where we start to see responsibility creep up more and more.  Not that it's a bad thing, but up to now we've lived a life where we tended to do things we wanted and receive  our endorphin fill for it.  As responsibility and obligation come in, and they have their own rewards a swell, that endorphin flow is not quite what it used to be.

Someone once called this phase of our life the "is this all there is?" phase.  There's a large portion of our life where we ramped up heavily and got ourselves psyched for this phase, and only to realize that that mad dash is only just the beginning.  We've got a marathon between then and retirement.

We have to be mindful of what we may start to seek out as replacement for those sources of endorphins and what what we need to be responsible for... or that we start to take on too many things and feel responsible for those as well.  Take on too many projects at work.  Sign up for a couple extra duties with your hobby (sign up for tournaments with your sports team, or record a CD).

This month and the next are going to be hectic for me I know.  3 graduations, Shelter House Relay, a few piping gigs personally as well as our new project that we're hoping we can advertise at the centennial.

July will have 2 mega parades (July 4th in Minocqua, where we do 4; and then Butternut/Chisholm).  Plus I have a few more personal gigs I think... 

It's going to be hard to balance appropriately... but it's something that I'm starting to gain some insight on how to do it better.

as for my dad...

things seem okay, he's not hiccupping, but they decided to stop last week's session of chemo because he was getting ultra sick, so ... we'll see how next week goes.

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