OH, man, how I love Christmas time. Nothing to do but sleep in and stuff. And this year, not being in retail REALLY helped with me being able to enjoy it truly. In fact I had all my shopping done WAY early.
Plus there's been like a ton of parties. My staff party, Mandy's staff party, Trish's party, Heather's party, and we're even having a party on Wednesday. Then there's Jarron's new year's party, and Ray's holding a Hawaiian themed one as well.
And there's been tons of food so far. And even more to come. I feel like a bear just getting to hibernate. Doesn't help that I really am sleeping like 11 hours a night. I love being able to sleep in. Don't know how I'll adjust to going back to work.
So, how was your Christmas?
After watching movies for a couple of days in class I was ready to be gone. Too bad Trish had her party during the week, so I couldn't cut loose, or stay late. At Heather's we enjoyed ourselves, I had brought Icewine, and Heather can't apparently tell the difference between it and rye. And I got to plant a few bottle caps in her house (I hope that wasn't Cassius' stocking I put it in). Let's see if she finds them all. There was at least... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... we'll go with 8 bottle caps. It was a good night, I got to say "do it" a bunch of times, and I think we invented new hand signals... or at least reinforced a few we had already made up.
What else new is there? We went to see the all-time Christmas classic "Rocky Balboa". It's no "Snakes on a Plane" but it was surprisingly not horrible.
That was when Chris gave us his gift. And then we went the next day to exchange gifts with Mandy's family.
The next day was Christmas and Mandy didn't believe I had really gotten her a guitar. But she seems to like it. And it was then that we found out that Christ had given us some sausage... I hope it's still ok after being under the tree for almost 24 hours.
Thanks Chris!
I got a new watch and a new crib board, and a great new Toolbox. But it isn't about what I got, it's more about who I got to spend my time with. And I really enjoyed spending time with my family and friends.
Now, to clean this place up while Mandy's gone off to find the Boxing Day deals. Party's only a day away now, are you ready?
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