Friday, July 30, 2021

July 30 - Friends, Ford & the Terminator

 It's International Friendship Day.

What friends are you honouring today?  Friends mean a lot.  

I wonder if Henry Ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger would have been friends... they share the same birthday.  Just a few years apart.  Ford in 1863, and Arnie in 1947.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

July 29 - Lipstick, Tigers and Rings - oh my!

 July 29th - there's a few things to say about it.

First off, it's the first time I've seen on my lists that National X Day is the same both in Canada and the USA.. it's National Lipstick Day.

We have a lipstick manufacturer in town here too - Hail Cosmetics!

On the world front it's International Tiger Day.

Still wowed by these majestic beasts, and I've only ever seen them up close so few times.

Then for the rings, there's 2 options.

In 1954 Tolkien released the first book of the Lord of the Rings series.

And in 1981 Prince Charles married Lady Diana.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

July 28 - Coffee & Chocolate, I'm sure Garfield approves

 In the US they celebrate milk chocolate day on July 28th (which I always find a bit harder to find in the states, whereas it's the more popular here in Canada).

And what goes well with chocolate?  Well, coffee of course.  

The USA during the war had rationed coffee, and today they ended the coffee rationing.  


Coffee and Chocolate... stuff I'm sure Garfield would approve of.

Jim Davis, the creator of Garfield, turns 76.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

July 27 - Banting & Best isolate insulin

 Better living through Chemistry.

In 1921 diabetics were given some hope as 2 doctors in Canada were able to isolate insulin at the University of Toronto.

Charles Best and Frederick Banting ftw.

I bet they celebrated a little with a different kind of liquid - in the USA it's National Scotch Day (which is interesting as Whisky Day has 2 different days internationally; 3rd Saturday in May and March 15)

Monday, July 26, 2021

July 26 - I thought Mick Jagger was older than that

 He's only 77?!?!  Seriously, I thought he was much older.

Don't know if that's a compliment or not to the legendary rocker.  Happy birthday, Mick.

Friday, July 23, 2021

July 23 - Woody Harrelson is 60?!

 Yup, that young whipper-snapper bartender at Cheers is now 60!


He shares his birthday with guitar legend Slash (who's 56, but kinda looks a lot older).

Thursday, July 22, 2021

July 22 - Chris Pratt in a Hammock

 Okay, so it's July 22nd, meaning that it's Chris Pratt's birthday (turning 42 this year), and in his country it's also National Hammock Day.  Wonder how he'll be spending it?

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July 21 - Burns passes and Robin Williams is born

 Today would have been Robin Williams' 70th birthday.  I miss his comedy, even if some of it was a little 'strong' at times.  Funnily enough, he was born also on the same day as another funny man, Don Knotts (1924) - I imagine Mr. Furley and Mork would have been a funny TV show combo.

Much earlier on in history, 1796, was the passing of the immortal Scottish poet, Robbie Burns.

Top if off with the fact that the USA is celebrating National Junk Food Day (I would have thought that was every day down there 😂)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

July 20 - Neil & Buzz landed on the moon to play some chess and have a lollipop

 A few days ago we mentioned that the Apollo 11 had lifted off and was on its way to the moon.  Well, July 20th, 1969 the lunar module landed on the moon and Neil got to utter his famous words.

July 20th is also the 'International Chess Day' - so I wonder if after bopping around on the moon for the day the pair hopped into the module and played a round of chess with Michael Collins, who went all that way but never got to step foot on the moon, as a bit of a consolation prize.

To cap of the momentous day, they probably cheersed each other with a lollipop, as today is also Canada's National Lollipop Day (or as geeks like me would know... Android 5.x).

Even though that isn't in anywhere official that I can find.

Monday, July 19, 2021

July 19 - Edgar Degas was born

 I'm not much of an art guy - I like what I like, and Degas is a name you hear often when discussing 'masters'.

He was born in 1834 on this day today and much of his oil paintins and pastel work were of ballerinas... kinda creepy.

If you're in the USA, it's National Daiquiri Day.

Friday, July 16, 2021

July 16 - Apollo 11 launched to land on the moon

 We do these things, not because they are easy, but ... to organize and measure the best of our energies.

That's what JFK had said about the goal to land men on the moon.  And on July 16, 1969 the best of their energies successfully launched the Apollo 11, starting its 4 day journey before it would reach that goal of landing.

I wonder if they had talked about what they were going to say during that flight when they first touched down.  That first blast off of humans breaking earth's orbit for a long trek. 

Must have been exhilerating.

Also not as exhilerating, is popping popcorn and when it comes to popcorn - everybody knows Orville.

He would have been 114 today.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

July 15 - It's World Youth Skills Day

 In 2014 the United Nations decided to take a day to celebrate the need to ensure our youth are given the skills they need to make a better tomorrow, World Youth Skills Day.

As a former teacher, I definitely see the importance of preparing our youth.  Especially, when I used to work with the experiential learning portfolio, trades and vocational training are becoming increasingly important skills.  But not only 'trades', there are other skills needed and one of my programs aligns with the United Nations' mention of teaching entrepreneurship - our Summer Company program.  

Additionally, July 15th marks the passing of one John J. Pershing, a general during the First World War.  Legend has it, that this general once visited my little town back then, and specifically visited a baker - Art Bennet.

The story goes that he visited this bakery as they were making some dough and turned it into a very tasty pastry with cinnamon and a raspberry icing. 

Art was so honoured by the visit he named the pastry after him.

The Persian... somehow either mispronouncing, or making a play on his name.

This is entirely not something you'll find in Wikipedia either, rather, almost the 'urban legend' that's proliferated in town here.

Whatever your take on the story, the fact remains - Persian (rolls) are tasty.  I wonder if anyone puts Persians at Pershing's tombstone in Arlington?

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

July 14 - It's Mac 'n Cheese Day

 Did you know that Mac 'n Cheese is considered a national dish for Canada?  Really?  I wouldn't have guessed that.

Popular yeah, but a national dish?  Nah.

But, July 14th is apparently National Mac 'n Cheese Day.

One thing tho' is I just can't find how it is, or where confirms it (i.e. outside of just Google searches saying it is from other sites).

It's also the day that the French population stormed the Bastille... so I guess instead of "letting them eat cake" they could have had mac 'n cheese and maybe been a little happier?  Maybe?

On a more serious note, it is International Non-Binary People Day.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

July 13 - Happy French Fry Day (US) & Happy Birthday Harrison Ford

 Not much for what I found today, except that for my youth, probably one of my favourite actors - playing the cool Han Solo or action packed Indiana Jones - it's Harrison Ford.

He's going 79 now.  Wow.

For those in the US of A it's also National French Fry Day.


Monday, July 12, 2021

July 12 - Happy Birthday Buckminster Fuller

 In chemistry class one day - and I forget if it was organic or inorganic at the time - it was brought up that during some burning of carbon fuels that there's this odd chance the 'free' carbon atoms could coalesce into each other and make neat hexagonal shapes.

One potential is a full sphere - like a soccer ball - and it is called a "buckminsterfullerene" or nicknamed a "buckyball" (either a C60 or a C100 if I recall), and was so named after the scientist R. Buckminster Fuller.

Bucky was so interested in spheres.  He thought that a true sphere in nature, couldn't be just a perfect arc, there had to be structure to it so small that it just appeared perfectly curved - so at what point does that happen?  He started to create these geodesic domes (think like Epcot Centre) that would have 100s of 'node points' on it to connect and add strength.

Mr. Fuller was born July 12, 1895 and died in 1983, just 1 year before the discovery of the buckyball in chemistry.

Friday, July 9, 2021

July 9 - the Enigma machine was cracked

 Funny, I just watched the Imitation Game the other day.

On July 9, 1941 British cryptologists cracked the code of the Germans Enigma machine.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

July 8 - Freezer Pop Day & Happy Birthday Bacon

My nostalgic memory of quintessential summer - Mr. Freezies.  The scraping of the plastic against the corners of your mouth, learning how to lean the freezie in just a way in the freezer that it has that air pocket at the top (tell me that isn't just me that does that) and as I just learned this year - white is cream soda (not coconut).

Now, that's obviously, a national day usually doesn't do a 'brand' name, so it's just National Freezer Pop Day.

In the USA tho'.  I couldn't find anything for Canada or internationally.  It is also Math 2.0 day in the US (World Maths Day coincides with Pi Day).

But what is Math 2.0?  Is there a math 1.0?

Also, it's Kevin Bacon's birthday.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

July 7 - It's World Chocolate Day

 July 7th is World Chocolate Day.

I found this odd as typically, one of the calendars I checked didn't mention it at all.

Then, via the Wikipedia page (usually my last resort to find something) it turns out that page I was using was American, and the US folks observe international chocolate day on a different day to coincide with Mr. Hershey's birthday.

Oh the US, just gotta be different eh?

Writing about the days

 Okay, so I should start using my personal blogger more - I know.  I've only written that 100x before on this site.

Started a new blog over at and it's got me a bit writing charged.  But what to write about?  You don't care about every little detail, right?

Well, I thought I'd write about the days...

...sounds odd for a blogger to say they're going to write about the days - isn't that a journal then?

Not exactly.  For those that have had the sheer pleasure of being on videoconference with me will have noticed that since about November I've been playing with the backgrounds.

Sure, most people like to put in the helm of the starship Enterprise, or the wall from The Office.

Me, I want the background to mean something.  So, each morning I spend a little bit of googling "significance of [date]".

Is it a national day?  An international day?  Someone's birthday? A special event.

Well, it's come to a point a lot of people now wait for "okay, Ryan, what day is it"

I'll try to remember to share them with you as I go through.

Should have done this 8 months ago.