Wednesday, December 15, 2021

December 15 - Nero's class trip to Disneyland

 I remember getting my CD burner.  It was such a cool invention, and the software we used to make these discs was called Nero... apparently a take on the fact that "Nero fiddled while Rome burned" ... Nero, as I found out was a real person who was an emperor of Rom and was there when Rom suffered the great fire.  It was said that while the city burned for a total of 10 days he 'fiddled'.  But it's kinda thought now that maybe instead of a violin type instrument, it was more likely a type of bagpipe.

Nero was born this day in 37AD.

It would have been quite the site, and I'm sure it was hard to corral people to evacuate.  Reminds me of one of my favourite sayings "like trying to herd cats".

Apparently there's a day for that too...

Who knew.

I'll bet taking the kids to a place like Disneyland would just be like that.

Walt Disney passed away this day in 1966.

And no, he wasn't cryogenically frozen - he actually was cremated.

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