Saturday, January 21, 2012

To buy the Nexus or not...

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep

Always loved that Shakespeare line (not much of an English Lit. guy tho').

I was going to wittily change it to something about ...

to buy, or not to buy, that is my question
whether to tbaytel and suffer
the increase in rage and misfortune
or, to take out my wallet and visa
and purchasing off contract, 'fend them
to buy; ...

...okay, that really went off course there.  I'm definitely not a writer by any stretch of the imagination.  But I think you get my point.  I have an option to purchase the new Galaxy Nexus.  Well, by saying I have, ... most people have as well.  Just more so exploring the option.

I recently found out that tbaytel, in an effort to try to win over the Rogers screw-overs, are offering us a chance to break the Rogers contract, if we sign with a sole-tbaytel plan.  They'll offer up an extra $150 credit if we do.  But an equivalent tbaytel plan for what I have right now is about $5 - $10 extra / month.  I can't quite tell, it's pretty vague from their pamphlet.

But I'm so conflicted... I need to break it down:

Option 1 - do nothing
Option 2a - buy it from tbaytel (on contract)
Option 2b - buy it from tbaytel (outright)
Option 3 - buy it from Rogers (outright)
then I'm stuck with a Captivate..., but I could just use the upgrade option and get a decent phone, like the S2 I pay an extra $360 or so to tbaytel, which I never wanted to be with in the first place.  And if I can get an option to leave, I'd have to pay the ETF, which would be astronomical.

I also don't know WHEN the phone is coming in (and the promo for the extra credit runs out at the end of the month).

But, the phone would be only $99, and then I get the $150 credit... so I'm $50 up!
Now, because they don't know WHEN they'll get it (they just figure they will eventually), I'm doubting they'll know the price.  And historically tbaytel has been slightly more expensive than Rogers. According to the last conversation I had with their customer service they have them in stock and they were selling them for $575, and could ship in 2 days.

Downside is that if something went wrong with the phone... I don't know who I'd get to yell at?  That's kinda important to me.

So that's my conundrum.  I think it's a pretty clear winner, but I hate just plopping down the cash ... the inner scot in me I guess.

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