Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Zoom Strikes Again at the Moore residence

Yup, it's December, which means that our little fanciful Elf has come back to monitor the preceedings and goings on at our house (so he can tell the BIG ELF not only what Dean wants for Christmas, but if he's been good enough).

This year, Dean has given Zoom the moniker "Thunderstruck" as he forgot his name and was thinking of a new name for him.

Zoom Thunderstruck the First, if I recall correctly.  (does that mean we're getting more?)

So for the 1st day we were late in catching him, I think he had to get there extra quick so he used a TARDIS.

And then this morning he didn't really travel far  but was checking out the ride-ability of the elephant statue.

Probably why he didn't get far

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