Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November 2nd - you're either a thrilled journalist or not

 In this era of computers, there's a ton of 1s and 0s floating around.  All of those flow through some sort of computer chip which is made up of a myriad of logic gates.  Logic gates work on a principal of checking values of the inputs and if they're both the same, or not they pass on a 1 or 0... I remember in Grade 12 physics designing a logic chip for a simple "if you see the fence open, or you see the fox, close the fence" kind of thing.

This is based on something we like to term 'boolean logic'. Things are boiled down to a 'true' or a 'false' (a 1 or a 0) and then something is done based on that value.  Lots of computer code is written this way.

The father of this is George Boole, who would have been 206 years old today.

He did other math things as well, but principally known for designing the symbolic display of this true/false.

People seeking for truths are often journalists who dig and uncover the real story for the general public.  Often this rubs people the wrong way and can have them at danger of physical harm (e.g Khashoggi).

Today is International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists.

A long title for for something that just suggest that journalists shouldn't be harmed for doing good, and those that commit crimes against them should be held accountable.  It was established in 2015; saying that since 2006 up until 2020 over 1,200 journalists have been killed and that 90% of these crimes are unpunished (they use the term 'judicially unresolved').

To lighten the mood, seeing as just the other day was Hallowe'en, seems that Michael Jackson just missed the mark as his huge hit Thriller was released as a single this day in 1983.  

You would have thought he'd want to have it out before Hallowe'en.  We didn't even get to see the zombie dance until almost a month later.

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