Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February 2nd - Wet Table Dog Hog

 Famously this day is known for the fact that we wait outside some hole and hope that some rodent doesn't see his shadow.

Known as Groundhog Day, the idea is that the groundhog can emerge from its winter slumber and if it sees its shadow, meaning no clouds, chances are that winter will keep happening for 6 more weeks.  If he does see his shadow, meaning there are clouds out, chances are spring will come early.

We've all probably seen the movie and the most famous being Punxsutawny Phil.  In studying this guy's powers of prognostication - they're lower than random chance.  I mean the first time they used him was 1887, so he's 135 years old.

Someone who did a lot of predicting was Dmitri Medeleev; who looked at the idea of what elements we knew, saw some patterns and predicted what ones we hadn't found yet would be like.  And then he arranged those in a table, now known as the Periodic Table of the Elements.

He died on this day in 1907 at the age of 72.

It's also World Wetlands Day.

Created in 1971 to help bring awareness to the protection of wetlands and their importance to our ecology and environment.

Not exactly a 'wetland', but it was on this day in 1925 that a series of dog sled runners finished a relay and were able to transport important medicine to Nome, Alaska.  This fast run/relay eventually turned itself into the Iditarod run; so some people celebrate today as Sled Dog Day.

Dean's always loved Husky dogs, maybe that's why today is his birthday.

Happy birthday bud.

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