Monday, March 7, 2022

March 7 - Patent for Outlaw Pancakes

 On this day in 1761 a certain Scot was born who became a bit of an inspiring outlaw.  So much so that Liam Neeson even got to play him in a movie, I'm talking about Rob Roy MacGregor

Also known as just Rob Roy.  You can celebrate with the Rob Roy cocktail - 4.5cl of Scotch / 2.5cl vermouth with a little bit of bitters.  It always kinda bugged me that in the Roby Roy movie with Liam there was a lot of Irish pipes in it.

Another famous Scot is Alexander Graham Bell, and on this day in in 1876 he was granted the patent for the telephone.

Ma Bell became such a thing that suddenly everybody would get them in their own homes vs the previous method of morse code transceivers were only in specialized locations.

Now a patent tells you specifically what some plan will make and who did it.  

Today I'm learning that there's a difference between flapjacks and pancakes.  Good to know as it's National Flapjack Day in the US.

Apparently, a pancake uses batter and is 'fried', whereas a flapjack is made from oats, sugar and butter.  But I think that's the difference between US and UK

I think colloquially they mean the same thing.

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