Friday, May 13, 2022

May 13 - That guy in Cocktail flew a bird into a poem

 Aside from it being one of the few Friday the 13ths out there...

To get over some of that superstitious angst, might as well have a cocktail.  It is World Cocktail Day.

Do you want something with rum, or gin, or vodka.. or all 3 ... there's millions of options.  Just gotta try em all.

While you're at the pub, who doesn't love a little joke and rhyme.  It's National Limerick Day in the US.

The origins of limericks were hardly dirty and usually had a boring "oh that weird old man from York" or similar which is a callback from the opening line.

Now, the guy that was in a movie called Cocktail, Tom Cruise, was also in a movie called Top Gun.

That movie was screened May 12 (yesterday) in 1981, and the movie was 're-released' on this day last year (2021).  Somehow it's been translated into calling May 13 as Top Gun Day.

So, give the movie a watch.  But don't play that old NES game.

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