Monday, October 25, 2021

October 25 - Toronto Longbow Artistry

There's always been this long division between the French and the English.  Two major powers living so close to each other and having such a long history there it's like 2 siblings.

One such sibling rivalry that is famous if the Battle of Agincourt, which happened on this day in 1415 (which is also St. Crispin's Day).

The English were vastly outnumbered but eventually won the day with their longbowmen who used the terrain to their advantage.  It was one of those pivotal battles that allowed the English to rally and precipitate the end of the 100 Years War.

The English, eventually spread themselves to the new continent and eventually founded a city in Upper Canada and called it York.  Eventually, we'd know it as Toronto.

In 1861  with its central financial powers it created a Toronto Stock Exchange.

Another treasure in Toronto, according to some is the Maple Leafs, and my father's favourite player is the famous Wendel Clarke, who turns 55 today.

A good hockey player is like watching art, so they say.  And it's International Art Day as well.

Whether by design, or just one of those universal coincidences it's also the birthday of Pablo Picasso.

He would have been 140.

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