Monday, January 24, 2022

January 24 - Scout's Honour I learned it from Neil

 I love my wife, and sometimes she and her family can come up with the quirkiest things for a sense of humour.  For example, when riding in the car with the radio on, they like to ask "is this Neil Diamond" regardless of whatever song is on.

Well, today is Neil Diamond's birthday.  He's 82.

Don't know who Neil Diamond is?  Well, just say "Sweet Caroline" to just about anybody and they'll finish "ba ba-da..." 

Some proper learning for ya... which is appropriate as it's International Day of Education.

Set up in 2018 from the UN to celebrate the role education has in bringing peace and sustainable development.

When I was young, one of the places I learned (aside from school) was at my boy scouts troop.  I remember being in Beavers, and I remember Scouts just a little bit (and you had to bring your kerchief and woggle else you had a 25 cent fine).

The first Boy Scout troop was set up by Baden-Powell on this day back in 1908.

BP had released his official guide book the "Scouting for Boys" and the first troops met

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