Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January 25 - Upper Chemical Haggis

 A day that mixes Scottish and chemistry together.

In 1627, Robert Boyle was born.

Famous for chemists everywhere who refer to Boyle's Gas Law where the if the mass and temperature of a gas stay constant, the pressure and volume are related in the P1V1 = P2V2.

Eventually folks would refine it towards the "ideal gas law" of PV=nRT.  But, Boyle got that train moving.

Another famous Robert born this day was the immortal poet, Robert Burns.  he was born today in 1759.

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o the puddin'-race!

Known the world over as "Rabbie", he's the bard of Scotland and it's traditional to have a "Burns Night" dinner in his honour with some traditional neeps and tatties with your haggis.

Now, a little closer to home, in 1791 the British Parliamen tpassed the Constitutional Act which helped to separate Upper and Lower Canada (English and French speaking regions), creating governance models within Canada for Canada.

This lasted until about 1841 when the Union Act came in and established the 'Province of Canada'.

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