Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolutions for 2013

So... almost the first bit of a week, coming up to the first weekend of 2013, and I'm already tired.  361 more days?  yoiks.

With that in mind, I have to think about those 361 days.  What am I going to fill them with?  We have a book we read with Dean now and again about 'filling buckets', and I have opted to spend this year trying to do that.

But what buckets?  Who's buckets?

Well, first off, I owe it to my family to ensure I spend time with them.  Dean's in school, so the time I have with him is lessened somewhat, I want to spend the time I do get properly.

Same with my wife - that trip to Toronto was awesome.  I want to do that more often - maybe not spend so much money, but go out more often together.

I also want to work out more... sure, biking was great in the spring/summer/fall... but between i'm just a blob.  So... what?  Pushups maybe eh?

I found an app called Fig (of course I found an app) that will help nag to remind me of some of these pledges of mine.

I'm playing around with it, and my hopes are high... but I tend to know how these things go, so I'm trying to be realistic.

Hopefully posting these here will make it more real, and encourage me to keep at it.

I haven't used the app yet, but I'm hoping it has notifications that pop up... there's no widget or anything.  Fingers crossed.  Maybe I need to blog more (and no, not just for my new blog, but for here... have you guys keep me accountable.

I better do some pushups right now.  (15 was hard!)

What else... I want to do better with my biking.

I also would LOVE to learn to program this year.  Code Academy didn't go well as I just didn't have the time.  Maybe Linux's Android Programming for Beginners is a good start.

There's a bunch of stuff I'd love to work on with the band this year.  Look at competitions, work toward some goals (we had a great meeting last night with the section leaders to discuss 2013).  Work on together-ness.

What are YOUR 2013 resolutions?

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