Sunday, January 13, 2013

Star Wars ABCs

So, one of the things I resolved to do this year was blog more personally.  Which is going to be hard, as I've launched my own 'business' to blog etc...  but I'm trying, and I'm always looking for something to write about that isn't such a vague and vapid topic ...

Well, today we went with Kris & Greg to Chapters and one of the topics that came up was an ABC book for Star Wars (we also talked about the importance of and strategy of watching the Star Wars movies with the kids... that's another post I think tho').

Well seeing as we were at a book store, Greg and mandy went looking for some ABC book... and when they couldn't find it we started seeing if we could guess our own...

Here's what I've got thus far:

Turns out someone already got teh idea and made it...
ThinkGeek :: Kids Star Wars ABC Book

On another note, Dean and I have started to watch the series.  We're going to do it in the 'side story method'.  I.e. we're watching 4, 5, (1, 2, 3), 6.

This way see the rise of Luke up to the reveal, then watch the backstory of Anaking turning into Vader, then finish it off where the good guys win.  There's a lot of debate out there about proper order.  Welcome to hear your thoughts.

There was a proposed "Machete order", but I'll still let him watch #1

1 comment:

  1. I = IG-88
