Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dad's heart

So dad's results showed he had 4 blockages.  Which was kinda shocking, but after talking to the specialist it looks to be something he would have inherited.  See, dad's family has a history of having heart attacks and not living past the age of 50.

Well he's a candidate for open heart surgery.  They might not do all 4 (apparently the blockage with 95% isn't of much concern)., but they'll determine that when they open him up.  Which might be anywhere from 2 - 4 weeks.

I think he's taking it all much better now - the shock is worn off, and he's talked to his sister who's had the same surgery a few years back now.  There's even talk of letting him go home.  But this morning he was saying the only person to be able to sign him out is out for the weekend... so it's pretty good for him I think.  Getting a chance to just relax for a few more days.  He'd probably get home and want to go up and down stairs and work in the garden etc..... which he shouldn't be doing any of that.

Still can't believe Charmane wanted to come down... that'd help get dad's heart racing.  heh... rest easy Charm, he's in good hands.

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